RBP Version Information
This page lists new RBP version information as it becomes available. Unless otherwise noted,
new versions are free to registered users and are upwardly compatible with games and maps
saved with prior versions. As you can see, in the form of minor revisions, we actively repair
all reported repeatable software problems, plus make small improvements. Larger improvements
are packaged into significant new versions. To find the number of the version you
are using, choose the Help, About... menu in the program.
RBP - Version 3.8
Version 3.8 was first released March 2022. As usual,
this new version is upwardly compatible with prior saved games and maps.
Registered users of versions of RBP 3.7.x can upgrade RBP for free by using the automated upgrade
feature (the File, Download Update pull-down menu in the game), or by manually downloading
RBPUP.ZIP (uncompress it to replace your prior version of RBP).
NOTE: this download contains only the file(s) that have changed.
If you are upgrading from version 3.4.x or earlier, or otherwise need a complete copy,
download RBP.ZIP instead.
Here are some of the features:
- AI bots play the game 10% to 60% faster than version 3.7.x (amount depends on game map and settings)
- small improvements to AI skill/play
- Game, Victory Conditions menu reminds of the cash needed to win, and lists announced players
- now remembers your money preferences (such as cash required to win) separately for each map, particularly useful for US2 map
- remembers your preferred map thumbnail location separately for each map
- improves detection and reporting of missing files
- all game window elements are dynamically repositioned/resized while you drag the arrow at lower-left corner of map
- File, Display Settings now shows a sample of your chosen map font
- supports the new .rb3 map format, which is a single text file
- the download includes the USA map in the new format as the file named USAmap.rb3
- upward compatibility with maps in the now-older .rbm and .rbp formats
- names of .rb3 maps can contain two extra characters for map versioning purposes, for example, usa76map.rb3
- RBPEdit map editor has been updated correspondingly
- in-game help contents updated
- WinHelp-style help is now handled by RBP's internal help system
- minor cosmetic changes and bug fixes
- upward compatibility with maps and saved games from all prior versions
- version 3.8.1: adds "Automove through" feature (Destination window) lets you instruct Automove to move via a particular city or dot on way to your destination, handy if you are concerned an opponent might purchase a certain RR before you can become established on it; minor bug fixes
- version 3.8.2: refines Automove through; fixes the Sum Data feature of Continuous Play (broken by ver 3.8.0); minor bug fixes and cosmetic changes
- version 3.8.3: corrects bgnd color possibly leftover from prior map; fixes possible "Can't show non-modal form..." during Pbem; minor performance enhancements
- version 3.8.4: if you load a saved game, the Destination window now recalls your Automove preference from that game; fixes game history that had been losing a line of text, or had moved that text to top of Pbem Banter Box; improvements to internal help display; mouse over color bars in cash box now blinks train of respective player
- version 3.8.5: new: Game Status window's Display, Property History pull-down menu lists in chronological order railroads purchased, sold back, and auctioned; new: clicking a Cash box color bar now shows (above the Cash box) the round of that player's most recent rental fee payment, and scrolls the Game History to that payment; new: clicking a player name in the Cash box now shows (above the Cash box) the round of that player's most recent railroad purchase, and scrolls the Game History to it; the Choose RR to Ride feature now shows if you are established on a RR, and at what rental fee; new: the Information, Map Notes pull-dowm menu can display a [map]info.htm HTML file (such as ABCinfo.htm) if one exists; improves AI skill at using bonus roll to bounce out of an unfriendly destination
- version 3.8.6: new: enabling "Color reverse infoboxes" checkbox (in Display Settings) swaps text and background color in history box and similar; small improvements to AI play; increases randomization of player turn order; Cash Box bar mouse click to display rental fees now also responds to mouse movement while a mouse button is pressed, which simplfies access to this feature for touch screen users; may work around Windows quirk that sometimes caused Game Status window to not become visible; minor cosmetic enhancements; now halts RBP continuous-play secondary instances after "Stop at" quantity of games is reached; RBPEdit map editor similarly updated (now ver 3.8.3)
- version 3.8.7: defaults to the Rail Baron New Century Rules with 2022 revisions (U21 map with B&O serving New York is new default; Superchief price is now $20000; riding own RRs is free); new: when tracing your planned move between two particular dots connected by parallel RRs, if RBP does not pick the RR you prefer to move upon, click again on the same dot to switch your planned movement to the next parallel RR; "automoved" would not be shown in history if by that move the player arrived at destination (fixed); improves AI decision of which RR to auction or sell back; AI will now upgrade to a Superchief sooner when Superchief price is lower; fixes Rovering that was defaulting to "off" for new players; fixes Load Alternate Map that did not display map without manual replot
- version 3.8.8: fixes failure to display map bgnd for some maps; enhances error messages with error description; adds a check that saved game matches map
- version 3.8.9: new: three manual Pbem emailing modes, handy for those unable to make use of RBP's automatic Pbem email sending; small change to AI to favor riding RRs of lower-ranked players
- version 3.8.10: for those who use Windows dark mode, or a player color of black, now employs contrasting colors for status bar above map; removes 0.02 sec real time delay between Comtinuous Play matches; reduces Game Status window flicker
- version 3.8.11: support for updated Pbem; cosmetic changes
RBP - Version 3.7
Version 3.7 was first released July 2017; it is the most polished version to date.
Here are some of the features:
- cash box now also shows track rental fees collected from each opponent (sample at right)
- when all else is equal, AI Bots now favor riding rails of an opponent who most recently rode theirs
- engine upgrades roll (animate) into place
- map display no longer drags/scrolls when unzoomed -- easier train movement on large screens
- adds rgfhelp.exe Help system that displays help topics without the need for a browser
- the new Help offers topic-spanning text search and keyword list features
- the new Help can appear as your choice of separate app (rgfhelp.exe), intergrated within RBP, or via browser
- in-game help contents updated
- minor cosmetic changes and bug fixes
- upward compatibility with maps and saved games from all prior versions
- version 3.7.1 adds # of players in match to (subsequent) Hall of Fame records; fixes RR counter image at lower-right hidden behind Pbem icon; corrects Pbem RR review to not show RRs recently purchased by local human(s); repairs possible missing player name in Game Status window
- version 3.7.2 fixes improper dropping back to 30-day trial mode for certain old (but still valid) registrations
- version 3.7.3 cosmetic changes
- version 3.7.4 text-to-speech via Alt key now defaults to off, and can be enabled via Display Settings; cosmetic changes
- version 3.7.5 new: ability to toggle engine upgrade animation on/off (via Display Settings); fix for uncommon Paypal registration problem; minor cosmetic and speed enhancements
- version 3.7.6 new: mouse over cash box color bars to see exactly how much rail use fees opponents have paid; suggested movement path no longer overrides a different path started by the human; color of suggested movement path symbols now slightly shaded for visual distinction; minor cosmetic changes
- version 3.7.7 new: highlights in map thumbnail a RR under auction or consideration for purchase; modifications to date handling to better handle uncommon date formats and detect problems
- version 3.7.8 improvements in support of international compatibility; "Using map" in game history now includes date of map's last edit
- version 3.7.9 while a match is in progress clicking the RRs/Players button now highlights unowned RRs; minor performance enhancements
- version 3.7.10: unminimizes a minimized map window if a game activated via an .rbz PBeM saved game file; masks error 380 if user's device unable to render Truetype fonts during game-winner display
- version 3.7.11: adds option to employ quantum randomness in matches and Boardgame Conductor; new option to generate a reusable, fixed set of random numbers for game elements so, for example, you can replay a match with all the same dice rolls and destination cities in order to test different play strategies; to internal Help window: fixed search term highlighting that was missing, fixed failure of Search feature if Select window already open, added Find feature
- version 3.7.12: corrects a possible improper color shading of suggested route; improves suggested route map zoom so it does not place final movement dot off display edge
- version 3.7.13: recognizes https for saved-game downloads; to internal Help window: fixed search term highlighting that was missing, added Find feature; external help driver rgfhelp.exe now available only with map editor (not needed unless you choose external help in Display Settings); word from Microsoft is they have adjusted Windows Defender to correct the virus false alarm it had recently been giving for the game programs
RBP - Version 3.6
Version 3.6 was first released March 2013; it is a moderate update.
Here are some of the features:
- Play-by-email now includes SSL support
- in-game help available from more places
- expanded touch screen support
- registration system has been upgraded
- many internal modifications for efficiency and speed of operation
- in-game help files updated
- minor cosmetic changes and bug fixes
- version 3.6.1 tweaks game load process to bypass name check
- version 3.6.2 new in File menu is a Create File Association feature; fixes Pbem failure if via file association Windows gives RBP a saved game in 8.3 name format; fixes Pbem Banter Box misattribution
- version 3.6.3 fixes inability to display Circle and Square RR styles; assorted cosmetic changes
- version 3.6.4 enhanced UI in support of tablets / touch interfaces: larger zoom bar, larger touch area accepted for selecting movement route, Menu button to access right-click menu, visual indicators for map drag, and more; fixes duplicate auction start by AI during Pbem
- version 3.6.5 adds "swipe-to-undo-movement" color bar; additional UI tweaks for tablets; fixes Pbem Nudge that could be misattributed to an AI Bot
- version 3.6.6 replaces .CHM help with .HTM (browser) style help for ease of use under Windows Vista/7/8; more UI tweaks in support of touch interfaces; fixes train heralds and city images that were missing from certain maps; map thumbnail now shows public RRs; double-click History Box to trace movement, review a purchase, or zoom map to a destination
- version 3.6.7 updates the RRs shown on the map thumbnail after an auction; fixes a problem in which a player could not go bankrupt if he had earlier auctioned RRs; minor cosmetic changes
- verions 3.6.8 simplifies multiple Pbem players at same computer by not emailing match if from and to email addresses are identical (you can force emailing, if desired, by varying the text case of the email addresses); repairs Ctrl+key usage that would improperly engage map dragging; adds USA map locomotive sounds effects that were missing from download; spoken text via Alt key now operates asynchronously; minor cosmetic changes
- version 3.6.9 fixes Auction autobid failure to initially increment bid; restores display of info if map RR clicked while Purchase window is open (info had been obscured by map dragging feature); spreads Game Status bar graphs to match window height; removes display in history of Pbem opponent's upcoming dice roll prior to emailing the match to him; fixes click on PM that improperly engaged dragging
- version 3.6.10 removes outdated .CHM Help system reminder; fixes a possible improper bankruptcy after RR sale or auction during Web Play; assorted tweaks to player reconnect during Web match
- version 3.6.11 new: mouse wheel over player or city name left of map to zoom map there; fixes automove info for Game History that could overwrite that of the prior player
- version 3.6.12 new: mouse over milepost lists RR service at bottom-left corner of map; repairs "Bonus is free on" display (Game Status) if player had used RRs of more than one opponent; fixes a Game Status overflow if a player owns more than 181 properties
- version 3.6.13 new: Backtracking option (track reuse); restores 2-player availability; repairs possible RR display in wrong color shade; repairs failure to preserve RR printing-style display choice across sessions; fixes overplay of Text-to-Speech audio in Board Game Conductor
- version 3.6.14 new: Rovering option (ability to disable Rover play); enable Pay Before Purchase option to force payment of rail use fees before buying is allowed; improved AI end-game (arrive sooner to prepare for Declaring)
- version 3.6.15 new: enable/disable Home City Choice and RR Selling options; adds button to reset Miscellaneous Game Options settings; Randomize Prices feature now normalizes RR prices to their original range; fixes a Pbem mixup when copying settings from prior Pbem match; addresses 64-bit Windows failure to install msinet and mswinsck; repairs a rare overflow error in tripfees2; fixes an auction's initial autobid that could be $500 too high; ~5% increase in AI play speed; minor other fixes and cosmetic changes
- version 3.6.16 new: dialog windows now, too, employ the Info Box font and size you choose via Display Settings; city now blinks on map during Home City choice; adds display of rank to player list left of map; fixes cash box that did not properly space player names immediately after user resized map; fixes "Automove along friendly track" setting that was not being restored from saved games; minor bug fixes and cosmetic changes
- version 3.6.17 repairs a problem in which Purchase window's Buy button might not be enabled if Selling Allowed option was toggled off
- version 3.6.18 fixes during Web play of 3 or more humans the ability for a non-GM player to purchase a RR recently purchased by a different non-GM player; fixes during Web play immediate reissuance of next destination after a lost turn
- version 3.6.19 establishment upon RRs at home swap city was not being done (fixed)
- version 3.6.20 upon opening a game, RBP could confuse a player's Automove status (fixed); increased max length of Pbem banter to 140 characters; Purchase option added to Help menu
- version 3.6.21 new: remembers across sessions location of more game-play windows; Game Setup and Options windows now employ user's choice of font; improves multi-monitor operation; minor cosmetic changes
- version 3.6.22 a few AI speed enhancements; fixes a rare registration problem; minor cosmetic changes
- version 3.6.23 new: RR income remembered in all saved games, not just continuous-play ones; new: the map thumbnail can be relocated to any corner of the full-size map (by dragging it or via Display Settings); new: size of map thumbnail when in corner can be adjusted to your preference; repairs possible improper change of RR Ownership if Evaluate Empire feature used while game in progress; removed "Ctrl key to drag map" so as to avoid interference with Ctrl+click to test assemble a RR network; repairs missing warning upon attempt to replay a Pbem turn during an auction
- version 3.6.24 preserves roll+bonus info in game history; fixes avatar image showing for player it should not have during Pbem start up; Pbem Copy Setup feature now copies match settings too
- version 3.6.25 fixes wrong round number with Banter Box message during auction; adds/corrects replay warning during Pbem auction; corrects location of Game Status text info so it does not overplot player names; fixes continuous game replay halt if Scenario engaged while human-player-changed-to-bot had chance to purchase
- version 3.6.26 new: in Purchase window Zoom checkbox to zoom map to highlighted RR (useful to see small RRs); internal enhancements to support future expansions; minor cosmetic changes
- version 3.6.27 adds robustness in support of future hardware: very high-speed computers, terabytes of memory, ultra-high resolution displays such as 8K UHD 7680 x 4320, etc.; game save/load window supports * and ? wildcards in name for file search purposes; map scroll bars now default to off
- version 3.6.28 fixes map size too wide at start; supports Paypal online ordering
- version 3.6.29 fixes crash if Auction initiated while Sell/Auction window was maximized
- version 3.6.30 fixes two causes of "unable to find shortest trip"; separates normal and bonus roll listing in history during automove; removes excess warning about resending Pbem match after auction; minor cosmetic changes
- version 3.6.31 shows trip payoff in right-click Information box; adjustments to registration process
- version 3.6.32 fixes failure to hide thumb map upon choosing that Display Settings option; repairs miscalculation of RR prices by "Randomize Prices" if used concurrently with "Randomize Probabilities"
- version 3.6.33 fixes failure to display Web match GM's dot address if it began with the digit 9; mods to extract new-format IP address supplied by ipdetect.dnspark.com for Web play; new Ctrl+F shortcut key to search
- version 3.6.34 fixes problem handling certain Windows international date formats/settings
- version 3.6.35 fixes a different problem handling certain Windows date formats/settings that could show as "Registration problem: V 0"
RBP - Version 3.5
Version 3.5 was first released November 2011; it is a moderate update.
Here are some of the features:
- Print map: prints the current game map display, including players' rail networks
- play with randomized / repriced railroads for a fresh challenge (tough to beat AI bots!)
- local human's railroad network is displayed on map thumbnail
- train movement is animated (can be turned off via Display Settings)
- AI bots have been adjusted to favor upgrading earlier to a Superchief engine in 3-player matches
- context-sensitive in-game help now available from more locations by pressing F1
- refined plotting of paths used for train movement
- in-game help files updated
- minor cosmetic changes and bug fixes
- version 3.5.1 patches a player stats display problem upon changing the width of the map
- version 3.5.2 fixes a problem in which, though remaining connected during Web/network play, after several rounds the match could become unresponsive on a player's computer; enhances user interface support of touch-based devices such as tablets/pads; Alt+mouse over certain text will read it aloud via the Text-to-speech engine of Windows; Text-to-speech can be enabled to read aloud player messages during Web/network matches
- version 3.5.3 patches large fonts and other display problems under certain Windows International (non-US) Regional settings
- version 3.5.4 new: Online (cloud) saved game storage option (via FTP); enable "Automatic suggest route" checkbox to bypass "Suggest a route?" turn notice; improves layout of Web Play window; can open an .rbz saved game URL link
- version 3.5.5 train movement path now included in history and displayed during Replay; increased allowable RR connections at any dot from 20 to 40; minor bug fixes and cosmetic changes
- version 3.5.6 fixes misalignment of player info text with mouse over/click when using certain fonts on certain computers; minor cosmetic changes
- version 3.5.7 fixes failure of context-sensitive help to appear if RBP.CHM help file is in use
- version 3.5.8 adds city probability display to Boardgame Conductor
RBP - Version 3.4
Version 3.4 was first released July 2010; it is a significant update.
Here are some of the features:
- Play by Email with event review, banter box, and nudge features
- thumbnail "mini-map" with draggable view port for easier zooming and city locating (details)
- player status display at left of map upgraded from a text form to a graphical one
- background color wash added in many windows to help identify player
- choose an online avatar to display; each AI bot now has an avatar image; you can turn off avatar display via Display Settings
- autobid during auctions
- each player's most recent train movement now indicated on map via a small arrow head
- when moving your train, to trim back the planned route by one dot, press Backspace; to erase the entire route, press Shift+Backspace
- "number of unsold railroads remaining" color bar added at the bottom right corner of the map; mouse over it for the exact number
- click on a player's name in the cash box to show that player's network
- Private Message feature
- a saved game stored in the Cloud online can be loaded directly by entering its URL
- minor improvements to AI skill
- assorted minor bug fixes and cosmetic changes
- Version 3.4.1 adds city blinking and repairs many minor display and functional problems
- Version 3.4.2 removes drop shadow from cash box when "Text drop shadow" checkbox unchecked; shows city names at less map zoom than before
- Version 3.4.3 stops map from animating tiny amounts when Autozoom off; users did not like that the Automove checkbox remembered its prior setting, so its operation is restored to that of version 3.3.x
- Version 3.4.4 significant update for those playing live via the Web or their home network: works around a Windows winsock quirk that was causing slow Web matches with more than 2 players; New: automatic player reconnect for Web matches with unreliable hardware connection quality (mostly wireless networks); numerous minor bug fixes and display changes
- Version 3.4.5 remembers across sessions location of Purchase, Destination and message windows; Evaluate Empire can be used pre-match to study RR service percentages; when autozoom is turned off, no longer zooms to human's players train at start of his turn; minor cosmetic changes
RBP - Version 3.3
Version 3.3 was first released January 2010; it is a minor update. Here are some of the features:
Here are some of the features:
- New variant option: turn off the bonus die's movement bounce out from destinations.
- Map's text can be scaled larger/smaller per your preference.
- RBP positions its windows so as to avoid a Windows toolbar located on the side of the display.
- RBP automatically creates the AutoSave directory if it does not exist.
- Improved international compatibility.
- Added the "Rail Baron for the 21st Century" rules to the help file.
- Improper duplication of game history in saved games has been repaired.
- minor bug fixes and cosmetic changes
- Version 3.3.1 fixes too-small monospaced font, and overlapping logo in About window
- Version 3.3.2 makes minor cosmetic changes
- Version 3.3.3 repairs failure to highlight on map the RR under consideration for purchase
RBP - Version 3.2
Version 3.2 was first released March 2009; it is a minor update. Here are some of the features:
- When it is your turn to move, your train token blinks gently to prompt you.
- RBP can employ the multiple processors of multi-core computers to more rapidly gather statistics in AI Continuous Play matches.
- Games can be saved into subdirectories / folders that contain spaces in their name. Previous versions had required subdirectories to adhere to the legacy 8.3 file naming format.
- improved the setup / installation process
- Under Windows Vista, RBP now defaults to showing online help in HTML format rather than WinHelp; if you prefer WinHelp, you must first install the WinHelp drivers from Microsoft, then rename or delete RBP's RBP.CHM file.
- fixed a problem with Web play disconnect / reconnect
- various minor performance and appearance tweaks
- Versions 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 fix "RB signature missing" message in Open/Save window when clicking on saved game with long file name; connects menus to in-game help
RBP - Version 3.1
Version 3.1 was first released July 2007; it is a significant update. As is usual, this
new version is upwardly compatible with prior saved games and maps.
Here are some of the features:
- The mouse wheel can zoom the map. To turn this off, or reverse the wheel's zoom direction, change the setting in the File, Display Settings window.
- If your Windows Internet drivers are missing or not working, RBP will offer to install them for you.
- Repaired some problems in Web matches with more than 2 human players.
- Increased Windows Vista cooperation
- RBP's help is available in a Windows .CHM compiled-HTML file. RBP switches to it automatically if Windows reports that it cannot handle the older-style .HLP help file. If you want to force RBP to switch to the .CHM help file, either manually delete or rename the RBP.HLP file.
- RBPEdit has been similarly enhanced, and users of prior versions can upgrade it for the small fee as shown on an order form.
- Version 3.1.1 fixes a herald display problem on the US2 map
- Version 3.1.2 fixes a problem displaying JPG files as map backgrounds
- Version 3.1.3 improves registration information when running under Vista
RBP - Version 3.0
Version 3.0 was first released November 2006; it is a significant update. As is usual, this
new version is upwardly compatible with prior saved games and maps.
Here are some of the features:
- RBP is now a 32-bit application. Microsoft's removal of support for 16-bit applications within Windows was finally a compelling reason to make the switch to 32 bits.
- Support for longer file names for saved games.
- Minor cosmetic changes such as some new graphics.
- Execution speed is about 2 or 3 times faster than version 2.x.
- Note that RBP version 3.0 cannot properly connect for Web matches with prior versions of RBP. All participants in an online match should upgrade to the same RBP version.
- If you receive no response or get run-time error 372 or 339 when attempting to start a Web match, it is likely because your Windows internet drivers need updating. See the instructions in the FAQ.
- If you get error 52 upon entering your registration passcode, download the latest version that fixes this problem.
- If the city images do not appear, download the latest version (3.0.2) that fixes this problem.
RBP - Version 2.10.1
Version 2.10.1 was first released March 2006; it is a minor update. As is usual, this
new version is upwardly compatible with prior saved games and maps.
Registered users of prior versions of RBP 2.x can upgrade free by
downloading RBP2AUP.ZIP. UnZip it
to replace your prior version of RBP. NOTE: this download
contains only the files that have changed. This is the final 16-bit update.
Here are some of the features:
- Slightly faster AI speed of play
- Updated Web links
- Version 2.10.1a (Sep 2006) allows for public RRs to be connected to more other RRs
RBP - Version 2.10
Version 2.10 ("two point ten") was first released July 2004; it is a moderate update. As is usual, this
new version is upwardly compatible with prior saved games and maps.
Here are some of the features:
- Improved AI end game set-up-win decisions
- Improved AI end game self-undeclare decisions
- Regions now expressed by abbreviation (NE, SW, etc.) rather than number for easier viewing
- Upon initial program use, IA Newby has taken over for Jay Gould as one of the four default players (to make it easier for human to win)
- New: highlights Yes or No button to recommend to the human player whether or not to declare
- Fixed a bug if player clicked OK(done) before his turn during round 1
- Fixed a bug that could allow a player to move twice if he had become undeclared in his alternate destination
- Other minor tweaks to display and performance
- The RBPEdit map editor has been updated as well;
previous purchasers can upgrade for $6
- Regions now expressed by abbreviation (NE, SW, etc.) rather than number for easier viewing
- Dot number display now includes region abbreviation
- Printer parameters now expressed in % of paper size (easier to position output)
- New "Save BMP as BMZ" feature (compresses bgnd image to save space)
- Added more verifications to the Check Map feature
- Added brief help / guidance to the text editor
- Fixed some assorted minor bugs
- Updated accompanying help file
- Version 2.10a fixes a few things we missed earlier
RBP - Version 2.9.1
Version 2.9.1 was first released March 2004; it is a minor update. As is usual, this
new version is upwardly compatible with prior saved games and maps.
Here are some of the features:
- Improved AI end game declaration decisions
- Improved trip generation when "ride your own RRs free" is enabled
- Used path Xs now shifted slightly so they do not overprint those of another player
- Other minor cosmetic changes
- Repaired an end-game "Unable to find trip" problem
- Repaired a problem with rovering multiple declared players in one turn
- Think we've fixed the GM re-roll problem during a Web match
- All repeatable bugs that users reported have been fixed
- The RBPEdit map editor has been updated as well
RBP - Version 2.9
Version 2.9 was first released July 2003; it is a significant update. Here are some of the features:
- Before starting a game, to learn about a map's RRs and cities, slide your mouse around and hover at dots. Then, on a dot served by one RR, click for RR info (displayed above the map), or Ctrl+click to assemble trial networks.
- More map zooming and scrolling features: to zoom, left click and drag to select an area; to scroll hold down the Alt key, then left click and drag. Ctrl+E replots the entire map.
- New: press the Spacebar to use the suggested route (marked by tunnel symbols).
- During play, a small "trip tip" box with data about your roll and rail use fees floats over the map while you mark a route for your engine.
- The tunnel symbols now display an extra line for bonus roll dots. This is a visual indication that you'll be using at least some of your bonus.
- Substantial enhancements to the AI's handling of the end game. The AI is much better at chasing declared player(s), as well as shadowing a player who might declare soon.
- The trip finders are better at creating trips that bounce out of unfriendly destinations on the bonus roll. This reduces the average amount of money spent on RR use fees.
- The RR purchasing AI now better evaluates RRs that get close to underserved areas of the map. This results in better networks.
- The Program Settings and Game Options windows have been combined into one.
- Many user interface tweaks. Note that some menu items and shortcut keys have changed.
- Items on the Levels pull-down menu have been renamed, and a super tough "Robber Baron" level added. Choosing Robber Baron enables revenge mode in which the AI players gang up on the human. It's VERY tough to beat them.
- Improved appearance of city name drop shadow, maps dots, and map squares
- More coding improvements make this the fastest-playing version ever
- Many other assorted minor bug fixes and improvements
- As usual, upwardly compatible with maps and saved games
- Europe 1914 game map released
- The RBPEdit map editor has been updated as well (previous purchasers can upgrade for $6)
RBP - Version 2.8
Version 2.8 was first released March 2003; it is a significant update.
Here are some of the features:
- NEW! Boardgame Conductor window does all the table lookups for you when you play the boardgame, also has a timer and dice roller
- Big improvements to the AI's end game intelligence: knows to hover near players who might declare, better at following players who are declared, better at knowing when it's safe to declare, and more
- The Player Information window has been eliminated, and its data combined into the Game Status window. The new "Max Info" selection on its Display pull-down menu shows you the data.
- Experienced players can disable the display of the arrival and opponent purchase message boxes in order to speed up the game (and reduce wear and tear on their mouse). See the new checkboxes in the Display Settings window.
- Asterisks (*) to indicate unfriendly destinations are now displayed in more places, such as in the History Box.
- Many improvements to AI's RR purchasing, for example, now knows to take risk a buy an important (but expensive) RR if it already owns a lesser RR to auction should it run out of cash
- The AI is smarter about when to home swap, and now offers its recommendation to you by highlighting either the Yes or No home swap response button
- The Game Status window's Net Worth graph now displays a solid vertical line to mark when the railroads sell out.
- The AI's "revenge mode" is even tougher to beat now
- The game's help file has been correspondingly updated
- The WINRR.LOG file now includes the networks of the losers (in order of player's net worth), separated from each other by a semicolon.
- During a Web match, if the GM went bankrupt after auctioning all his railroads, prior versions would continue to prompt him to auction or sell more railroads. This has been fixed.
- Many other minor bug fixes and assorted improvements to AI
- Upwardly compatible with prior saved games and maps
- The RBPEdit map editor has been updated as well
RBP - Version 2.7
Version 2.7 was first released July 2002; it is a minor update. Here are some of the features:
- Added Region data to via the City Visits display.
- When cash levels are secret, cash box now shows multiple $ signs to indicate approximate cash level of players.
- Worked around Windows quirk that prevented players from joining a Web game while the GM was viewing his computer's dot address.
- Arranges the map window better when oversized fonts are selected,
- Provides easier install from CD, and recognizes .RBM associated files upon startup.
- Fixes: a small bug in the scenario editor, the "Copy to Clipboard" feature, a RR display quirk, an "Overflow" error, miscounting of unsold RRs and wrong use fees charged during Web play.
- Other minor bug fixes and assorted improvements to AI.
- Upwardly compatible with prior saved games and maps.
RBP - Version 2.6
Version 2.6 was initially released October 2001. Here are some of the new features:
- Hall of Fame improvements: expanded from 10 to 16 entries, added map name, added notification at end of game when your score qualifies for the HOF.
- Various improvements to AI's railroad purchasing decisions. Better at assembling a network with good map coverage. Better at knowing when to NOT purchase a RR.
- Improved AI trip finders to favor riding on own RRs rather than unowned. This helps the AI reduce the trip fees it pays when the "Ride free on own RRs" variant option is employed.
- Each non-city map dot can now have a name or other information associated with it. Zoom extra close to view, or right click on the dot and choose Information. Names are supplied via an optional xxxDOTI.RBP file for the map. Availability of this file depends on the efforts of the map's designer. Check the RB Fanatics Web site for possible downloads.
- Right clicking on a city / destination and requesting Information will show you a picture of and/or sound effect for that destination (if the map's designer provides the multimedia).
- Added option to override restriction against making a trip that would prevent you from subsequently getting to your destination via a legal route. Considered "cheating" if you use it.
- Added support for associated .RBZ saved game files (RBP can recognize when you double click an .RBZ file in Windows, and will load that saved game).
- Assorted other improvements to AI.
- Fixed bug that caused multimedia files (such as RR heralds/logos) to not be displayed after you switched from the USA map to US2 or USR.
- Fixed bug that caused full rail use fee to be charged again when departing a destination on a bonus roll if automove feature was used.
- Fixed bug that would allow a human player to bid in an auction even if he had been bankrupted previously.
- Assorted other minor bug fixes.
RBP - Version 2.5
Version 2.5, released May 2001, is a significant update. Upgrades are free!
Here are some of the new features:
- Support for "free travel on own RRs" variant
- Scenario editor: create a game situation, then run/play it
- Cheat window: change destination, cash, RR owned, etc.
- Improved AI end game:
- More aggressive about declaring (match now averages 10% shorter than before!)
- Knows when opponents have no legal routes to give rover chase
- Knows safest dots to at which to hide if can't reach home on current roll
- Knows to drop below $200,000 if can't reach home, and in danger of being rovered
- Better able to find and make rover plays
- Choose the font and font size you prefer for the information boxes around map
- Destination window can show a picture of your next destination (if map supplies one)
- Option to spy on the routes the AI is considering for travel
- Game Rules summary added to on-line help
- Improvements to AI play
- Minor display enhancements
- version 2.5.1 fixes minor problems with 2.5 (such as background image error 102)
RBP Version 2.2 - New Features
Version 2.2.x of RBP is a minor update.
- Added support for free Superchief upgrades for players that have an Express. This variant will be used at the WBC Rail Baron tournament.
- Improvements to RR color on USA map for 256-color systems.
- Speedier map display with less flicker (noticeable on older, slower computers).
- In Game Configuration window, click on Skill label to advance the skill level of all players one notch.
- In the Game Configuration window, click on Name label to change all player names to match the color selected.
- Start Game menu option can be used to restart the game even if another game is already in progress.
- If a home city is unfriendly, it is marked with an asterisk in the Player info area.
- Assorted improvements to AI.
- Fixed problem with Home Swapping option on maps containing public railroads.
- Fixed other minor bugs.
RBP Version 2.1 - New Features
Version 2.1 of RBP is a minor update.
- Added support for Home Swapping variant (enable on Game Options window).
- Added support for "minimal reuse" aspect of otherwise impossible trip to alternate destination. It's not 100% foolproof, but will work most of the time.
- Assorted improvements to AI's handling of end game.
- After being rovered in alternate destination, RBP now allows for instant arrival (and purchase opportunity) at start of next turn.
- Assorted bug fixes and speed improvements.
RBP Version 2 - New Features
Version 2 of RBP is a major update. Below is a list of the most
significant changes. If you are a registered user of RBP 1.x, you
can upgrade for free.
You will need to re-register the new version, but doing so is free. Instructions are in the on-line help.
- Web support: play the game live vs. other users via the Internet
- To play over the Web, simply choose a "GameMaster" and enter that person's dot address (i.e. no special Web server needed)
- A new built-in intermediate level AI opponent: George Pullman
- Support for much more complex game maps (more regions, dots and RRs)
- A challenging, new USA-style game map (named US2) with 140 railroads. Takes skill, not luck, to win!
- Printable "Game Summary" sheet (great for recordkeeping)
- Faster and smarter AI (twice as fast on average)
- Slick-looking animated map zooming
- User selectable map text font
- Many ease-of-use improvements
- Assorted bug fixes (including the notorious, rare "divide by zero")
- The program will remain a small, efficient .EXE (no mega-code bloat)
- Upwardly compatible with existing maps and saved games
Do you like details? Here's even more new stuff:
- Web matches can contain up to 6 human players all at different locations
- Instant message feature lets you banter with your opponents during Web match
- Spectator feature lets you watch a Web match without actually playing
- OK (done) button blinks to remind you when you need to click it to continue
- Auction window contains "Drop Out" button so you can cease bidding in an auction
- Auction window contains "Show stats" box so you can learn how useful the auctioned RR will be to an opponent
- Purchase window contains option to sort available RRs by name or price
- Purchase window accumulates stats as you highlight a RR (so you can compare Access and Monopoly stats)
- Purchase window initially auto-locates itself out of way of map
- Purchase window made smaller to obscure less of map
- To select a RR to consider for purchase, you can simply click on it on the map
- Click on a RR in list at left of map to zoom into that RR on map
- In City/Property Information window, click button to zoom into a RR on map
- Click a player's name in the Player stats box to easily view his network plus remaining unowned RRs
- The same click also provides Access and Monopoly stats for the player
- Map automatically re-zooms if suggested route extends off viewable area
- Suggested route stats shows "+" when you'll pay extra for a bonus roll
- Cash box underlines the name of the current (turn) player
- Cash box text is bolded for easier viewing
- Game Status Summary shows total and average Payoffs Collected
- Game Status Summary shows number of turns and average trip length
- Game Status window lets you adjust font size
- Replay feature lets you specify a round to which to replay
- RR dot name labels can also be positioned above the dot
- Max number of regions allowed on map increased from 14 to 31
- Max number of dots allowed in a region increased from 200 to 999
- Max number of RRs allowed on map increased from 50 to 999
- Monochrome versions of color images created on fly when needed for low-color systems (makes for smaller map files)
- Add-on sounds and images can be remapped (produces smaller multimedia files)
- Files window gives brief info about saved games when you click on them
RBP Version 1.6.1 - New Features
Version 1.6.1 of RBP is a minor update. Below is a list of the most
significant changes.
- Clicking a RR in the list at left of the map now displays that RRs herald/image (if available) in the lower-left corner
- Status line at top now shows "(+bonus out)" if the suggested route arrives at the destination quickly enough for you to use the bonus die for immediate departure
- Tiny improvements in AI's region selection and declaration
- The program now warns you if you attempt to start another copy while one is already running
- Minor display changes and fixes to the Ownership window
RBP Version 1.6 - New Features
Version 1.6 of RBP is a relatively minor update. Below is a list of the
most significant changes.
- Now supports text labels on a map (handy for displaying region names)
- The AI is smarter in several areas: handling bonus rolls, purchasing RRs that an opponent needs, auctions, rover chases, and more
- Spacebar, Y and N keys accepted in message boxes (easier to move past them without using the mouse)
- Some separate message windows have been grouped into a single window (makes for fewer message interruptions)
- Automove turns itself off if it is about to waste a few dots in order to position you for a declaration
- Map window now employs Arial font by default (smoother text at different zoom levels)
- Alternate maps can now employ a different font for the map window
- Internal errors detected during execution are logged to the history window
- Several assorted bugs, particularly in the game replay feature, have been fixed
RBP Version 1.5 - New Features
Version 1.5 of RBP started out as a minor update, but evolved into a major
one. There are many new and improved features. Here is a list of the
most significant ones (you can download the new version from the main RBP page):
- RR heralds/logos/images: attractive images add visual appeal to the game (available for most maps; download add-ons from here)
- sound effects: engine and other RR sounds (requires sound capability; not available with all maps)
- Automove option: moves your train for you when on friendly RRs; helps quicken game play
- Replay feature: watch the game be replayed step-by-step from start to finish
- Suggest a region: when you can choose a region, you can now obtain RBP's suggestion
- RR service labels: shows RRs that serve certain dots (varies based on map)
- compressed game saves: new .RBZ storage format is 90% smaller than before
- compress old feature: compresses all your old game saves into the new format (for example, it reduced our disk space use from 50M to just 5M)
- compressed map images: background .BMP files now stored in a compressed format to save disk space
- improved graphics: better color handling on 256-color computers
- faster AI: overall 10% faster, plus much faster during early stages of the game
- smarter AI: improved everywhere, but especially for auctions and region selection
- a Round counter: RBP counts and displays the number of rounds in the game
- upwardly compatible with old game saves
Here are some of the less significant new features:
- auction window shows stats for your network before and after adding RR
- sell/auction window opens automatically for human player
- click within Player Stats to easily show RR network, zoom to engine, cities, etc.
- unfriendly destinations are marked by an asterisk in the Player Stats
- Region Prob button of Destination window shows the average distance to friendly cities in each region, via friendly routes
- better at finding good routes
- better at "desparation declaration" (make risky declare when an opponent is near victory)
- Game Setup/Configuration window allows easy access to Randomize Probabilities and Credit/Edit Custom AI features
- Black added to the list of built-in color choices
- Game Status window can be made to stay on top of other windows
- additional items added to AI Stats (rounds per game, longest/shortest game, most/least RRs
- message boxes improved to reduce Windows beeps and alert sound effects
- most windows now rescale their contents if you resize them
- "xxx wins!" message at end of game now animated
- background color of cash window can be reversed (to improve readability)
- maximum unfriendly RR use fee setting increased to $100,000 (previous limit was $32,000)
- more on-line help topics
- assorted other minor features and bug fixes
Back to main RBP page
Rail Baron is an internationally registered trademark of Intersystem Concepts, Inc.
RBP and the alternate maps are not products of The Avalon Hill Game Company or Hasbro.