Rail Baron Screen Shot

RBP Version Information

This page lists new RBP version information as it becomes available. Unless otherwise noted, new versions are free to registered users and are upwardly compatible with games and maps saved with prior versions. As you can see, in the form of minor revisions, we actively repair all reported repeatable software problems, plus make small improvements. Larger improvements are packaged into significant new versions. To find the number of the version you are using, choose the Help, About... menu in the program.

RBP - Version 3.8

Version 3.8 was first released March 2022. As usual, this new version is upwardly compatible with prior saved games and maps.

Registered users of versions of RBP 3.7.x can upgrade RBP for free by using the automated upgrade feature (the File, Download Update pull-down menu in the game), or by manually downloading RBPUP.ZIP (uncompress it to replace your prior version of RBP). NOTE: this download contains only the file(s) that have changed. If you are upgrading from version 3.4.x or earlier, or otherwise need a complete copy, download RBP.ZIP instead.

Here are some of the features:

RBP - Version 3.7

Version 3.7 was first released July 2017; it is the most polished version to date.

Here are some of the features:

cash box

RBP - Version 3.6

Version 3.6 was first released March 2013; it is a moderate update.

Here are some of the features:

RBP - Version 3.5

Version 3.5 was first released November 2011; it is a moderate update.

Here are some of the features:

RBP - Version 3.4

Version 3.4 was first released July 2010; it is a significant update.

Here are some of the features:

RBP - Version 3.3

Version 3.3 was first released January 2010; it is a minor update. Here are some of the features:

Here are some of the features:

RBP - Version 3.2

Version 3.2 was first released March 2009; it is a minor update. Here are some of the features:

RBP - Version 3.1

Version 3.1 was first released July 2007; it is a significant update. As is usual, this new version is upwardly compatible with prior saved games and maps.

Here are some of the features:

RBP - Version 3.0

Version 3.0 was first released November 2006; it is a significant update. As is usual, this new version is upwardly compatible with prior saved games and maps.

Here are some of the features:

RBP - Version 2.10.1

Version 2.10.1 was first released March 2006; it is a minor update. As is usual, this new version is upwardly compatible with prior saved games and maps.

Registered users of prior versions of RBP 2.x can upgrade free by downloading RBP2AUP.ZIP. UnZip it to replace your prior version of RBP. NOTE: this download contains only the files that have changed. This is the final 16-bit update.

Here are some of the features:

RBP - Version 2.10

Version 2.10 ("two point ten") was first released July 2004; it is a moderate update. As is usual, this new version is upwardly compatible with prior saved games and maps.

Here are some of the features:

RBP - Version 2.9.1

Version 2.9.1 was first released March 2004; it is a minor update. As is usual, this new version is upwardly compatible with prior saved games and maps.

Here are some of the features:

RBP - Version 2.9

Version 2.9 was first released July 2003; it is a significant update. Here are some of the features:

RBP - Version 2.8

Version 2.8 was first released March 2003; it is a significant update.

Here are some of the features:

RBP - Version 2.7

Version 2.7 was first released July 2002; it is a minor update. Here are some of the features:

RBP - Version 2.6

Version 2.6 was initially released October 2001. Here are some of the new features:

RBP - Version 2.5

Version 2.5, released May 2001, is a significant update. Upgrades are free!

Here are some of the new features:

RBP Version 2.2 - New Features

Version 2.2.x of RBP is a minor update.

RBP Version 2.1 - New Features

Version 2.1 of RBP is a minor update.

RBP Version 2 - New Features

Version 2 of RBP is a major update. Below is a list of the most significant changes. If you are a registered user of RBP 1.x, you can upgrade for free. You will need to re-register the new version, but doing so is free. Instructions are in the on-line help.

Do you like details? Here's even more new stuff:

RBP Version 1.6.1 - New Features

Version 1.6.1 of RBP is a minor update. Below is a list of the most significant changes.

RBP Version 1.6 - New Features

Version 1.6 of RBP is a relatively minor update. Below is a list of the most significant changes.

RBP Version 1.5 - New Features

Version 1.5 of RBP started out as a minor update, but evolved into a major one. There are many new and improved features. Here is a list of the most significant ones (you can download the new version from the main RBP page):

Here are some of the less significant new features:

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Rail Baron is an internationally registered trademark of Intersystem Concepts, Inc. RBP and the alternate maps are not products of The Avalon Hill Game Company or Hasbro.